
INTERVIEW. Crisis in New Caledonia: “Many people will find themselves overdrawn with automatic withdrawals that will be made,” according to Gilles Vernier of UFC-Que Choisir – New Caledonia the 1st

On the 17th day of crisis in New Caledonia, the president of the UFC Que Choisir, Gilles Vernier calls on the banks and insurers this Thursday morning. He asks that each issue be handled on a case-by-case basis.

In this period of crisis, UFC-Que Choisir is trying to help consumers and has put a certain number of actions in place. Gilles Vernier, the president, answers questions from Malia Noukouan on NC la 1timethis Thursday, May 30.

Malia Noukouan: The UFC Que Choisir asks banks and insurance companies to show leniency during this period of crisis. Where is your appeal?

Gilles Vernier: there are two parts to the crisis. The industrial aspect where there are measures that will be taken to help businesses but for the individual aspect there is not much. So, we contacted the banking world and the Committee of Insurance Companies (Cosoda) to find out what they were thinking of doing.

For example, in banks, withdrawals are made automatically. This means that there are money going out of the accounts but no money coming in. Many people will find themselves overdrawn with automatic withdrawals that will be made. Of course, it was said that some were going to postpone the deadlines, but what will happen when people are overdrawn and have interest charges?

We ask that each person be treated on a case-by-case basis.

Gilles Vernier, UFC Que-Choisir

The same goes for insurers, the procedures are very strict, if they cannot charge, a registered letter is sent and then the contract is terminated. For example, for a car, if you have one or two deadlines that do not pass, you will be written off and you will no longer have a contract. It is necessary for insurers to process file by file.

MN: Following the abuses, the question of damage assessment and compensation procedures also arises. How will this happen?

GV: There are many contracts where it is written that “riot” is not covered. The authority will have to decree care, such as a state of natural disaster. In addition, there will be a latency time because an expertise takes time. They said they were going to bring experts from Métropole and do video assessments but it will take a long time, the expert's conclusions will be released one or two months later. In the meantime, people may receive assistance but it will not be enough to rebuild or pay bills.

MN: Do you think your appeal will be heard ?

You know, the banks, from experience, are reluctant to talk, we are not going to let them go, we are going to call them. I think the insurers will respond to us but I'm waiting for a call from the banks.

We are not asking for alms but for people to be treated decently.

Gilles Vernier, UFC Que-Choisir

MN: Have you joined the high commission?

GV: The bullfighter has been warned. I think there will be action on his part. We also have an appointment with the Overseas Issuance Institute (IEOM) to see if they too can intervene with the banks.

Find the full interview with Gilles Vernier by Malia Noukouan

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