
Tennis. A flawless performance for the Erstein Tennis Club

In the end, the sporting record is excellent with two teams group champions and assured of a rise to the higher division and no relegation.

Honor to the veterans, the veterans + 70 years remained undefeated by returning victorious (2-1) from their trip to Reichstett thanks to the victories of captain M. Wencker and the double team Y. Mazeram-G. Eschbach. They finish 1ers and move up to Division 2.

La Deux was flawless throughout the championship, winning (5-0) for the fifth consecutive time, this time against Benfeld. B. Ramanamisata, Ch. Cassiau Haurie, D. Durand, J. Duflot were already assured of the 1D place and climb. With the return of captain Ph. Hausser, they are eagerly awaiting the draw for the final stages.

The men's I had their maintenance in their pocket before moving to Lingolsheim. With their minds freed, they even finished at 3e place in the group by defeating their opponent of the day with a clear score of 5-0. The victories coming from Ch. Muller, F. Taubert, M. Warin and A. Schmeltz.

On the women's side, the I team easily won their match at Westhouse (5-0). She finished in 2e place and could hope for better if the four best players had not missed in the same match.

The only team whose championship is not finished is that of the men's +60s. They dominated Benfeld (2-1) thanks to the performance of B. Ohl in singles and the victory in doubles of the pair M. Lièvremont-P. Kuhn. The next and final match will take place at leader Hilsenheim.

TC Benfeld: the teams are safe

The interclubs ended last weekend with a very positive result for TC Benfeld, all objectives having been achieved.

The women's I team won its retention in Regional 3 thanks to its success against Obernai II who was also at stake for its survival. Contract fulfilled, the team will begin its 20th year next yeare consecutive season at this level. Team II had to recognize the superiority of Villé I and finished in a good 3e departmental place.

Maintaining its position already assured, the men's flag team played without pressure at the already condemned Illberg II. Success was easy. Captain V. Louis' men finished in 2nd placee unexpected place in Regional 1, which will allow them to play three times at home next year. An advantage which will not be superfluous at this level.

The reserve did not tremble during the reception of Obernai IV. J. Kornmann's teammates seriously asserted themselves and won the promotion to Regional 3. They will compete in the final phases soon.

Reinforced by a few veterans, the III team finished in style with a success against the neighbors of Rhinau II. For its part, team IV emerged victorious in its group final against Marckolsheim IV. It thus reaches the higher division and will also play the final stages. Finally, team V logically loses on the courts of leader Erstein II in view of the differences in rankings.

Among the veterans, the +70s recovered well by winning against Electricity. They will meet leader Lampertheim the next day. The +60s narrowly lost in Erstein.

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Written by ADMIN

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