
Aid to Boris Johnson's campaign will make a difference, says Sunak – BBC News

  • writer, Brian Wheeler
  • introduction, Political reporter

Boris Johnson's backing of Conservative election candidates will “make a difference”, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said.

Mr Johnson is said to have put his name on thousands of letters to be sent to voters on July 4 not to support Nigel Farage's Reform UK.

The former prime minister has recorded videos endorsing some Tory candidates.

But he has yet to appear on the campaign trail in person and is currently vacationing in Sardinia, according to his wife Carrie's Instagram account.

Some Conservatives had hoped Mr Johnson would make headline-grabbing appearances at election events to persuade those who voted him into power in 2019 to stick with the Tories.

But relations with Mr Sunak remained strained following Mr Sunak's resignation as chancellor, hastening Mr Johnson's exit from Downing Street.

Mr Johnson appears to be working with Conservative Party HQ to help the party boost support, as it continues to trail Labor by a large margin in the polls.

In a letter to voters, Johnson is expected to urge people not to vote for the reforms and warn that Labor could be in power for a generation.

It is consistent with the message pushed by other senior Tories, as Mr Farage's party gains ground in the polls.

Speaking at a campaign visit in North Devon, Mr Sunak was asked if he felt “let down” by Mr Johnson not being active in the campaign.

He insisted that his predecessor was supporting his efforts to win the election.

“It's great that Boris is supporting the Conservative Party, I welcome it. He's been endorsing many candidates in videos and letters that have been put together by the campaign and I know that will make a difference.

“And of course every week he's doing the case in his column… and I'm glad he's doing it.”

Johnson has been signed up by GB News to present coverage of the general election and the US election, although he is yet to appear on the channel amid claims. Focusing on finishing two books He is under contract to write.

The former prime minister is using his weekly Daily Mail column to make sure “everyone understands what a Labor government will do for this country and why everyone votes Conservative”.

On 14 June, Mr Johnson claimed that a large Labor majority would be “a nightmare” that could only be prevented if the Tories voted.

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