
Make Europe Great Again: Hungary Channels Trump in EU Presidency Slogan

“This is a reference to an active president,” said Hungary's EU Affairs Minister János Boca. “It actually expresses the expectation that together we should be stronger than we are individually but let us be when we come together. It also illustrates the idea that Europe is capable of becoming an independent global actor in our changing world.”

At the press conference, reporters questioned the resonance of Trump's new slogan. “You don't get deja vu because of Trump's slogans. I don't know if Donald Trump ever wanted to make Europe great again,” Boca said.

The Presidency also unveiled the Rubik's Cube as its logo, which Boca described as “the essence of Hungarian genius”.

The minister explained that Hungary will use his presidency to introduce a new competitive, “farmer-centric” agricultural agreement and to improve “more efficient protection of external borders, managing the root causes of migration – and more efficient return policies”.

At the same time, he said, the EU would have an active effort to advance enlargement progress and “we want to take substantial steps on Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.” There are fears that Budapest is seeking to derail or slow-walk Kiev's candidacy, as Orban has publicly sought to damage ties with Ukraine and seek closer ties with Moscow.

The holder of the rotating presidency of the EU Council is expected to be a neutral broker and put his national interests aside to ensure the passage of legislation. European politicians, however, fear Budapest will use the high-profile position to its advantage while seeking a facade on key policy areas.

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