
Chad: Massive fire at ammunition depot in N'Djamena – BBC News

video caption, WATCH: Deadly explosion at military ammunition depot in Chad

  • writer, George Wright
  • introduction, BBC news

People have been killed and injured after a massive fire at an ammunition depot in Chad triggered a major explosion, senior government ministers said.

Foreign Minister Koulamalla Abdareman said a fire broke out at a military depot in the Gaudji area of ​​the capital, N'Djamena.

President Mahamat Idris Devi expressed his condolences to the victims and their families without specifying the number of casualties.

Video footage, which has not been verified by the BBC, shows the explosions lighting up the night sky.

Witnesses said they could be heard from miles away.

Journalists working for the AFP news agency said the fire sent weapons flying into the air.

A French official, who requested anonymity, also told the agency there were “explosions of all calibres of ammunition”.

One resident told Reuters news agency he saw three injured people on the street, while another said his neighbor had been killed.

“The loud explosion woke us up,” said Mustafa Adum Mahamat.

“Our house was shaking as if someone was shooting at us. Then we saw a big fire in the military camp and smoke and things exploding in the air,” he said.

“We could see the cannon flying over us.”

After the blast, Foreign Minister and government spokesman Koulamalla Abdarman urged people to remain calm.

“May the souls of the victims rest in peace, heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and speedy recovery to the injured,” President Debbie wrote on Facebook.

The cause of the fire is still unknown, and the president has promised an investigation.

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