
New Hungarian members of the EPP oppose sending arms to Ukraine

Senior EPP figures, such as Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and party chief Manfred Weber, have made the acceptance of new MEPs into the EPP conditional on their support for Ukraine. Weber held direct talks with Magyar in Hungary last week.

“I think that the EPP understood the special, sensitive Hungarian situation of that war. But we will definitely support (the Ukrainians) with all other means and tools,” said Magyar, who has yet to announce whether he wants to take over. Will be in Brussels seat or national politics.

Magyar has also supported Ukraine's right to self-defense, describing Russian President Vladimir Putin as an aggressor and saying Ukraine's “independence and sovereignty” are internationally protected.

An EPP spokesman said: “Whatever he says about Ukraine and the war, Orbán uses the propaganda machine against him. So it's very clear why he is cautious about this.”

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